Healthy Habit Series: Morning Routine Tips
Wow! The new year came about as fast as 2022 went! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and are taking the time to slowly adjust to 2023.
So here are some MORNING ROUTINE TIPS from an Executive Function coach (me! By the way ;-)
LAY OUT YOUR OUTFIT NIGHT BEFORE: and leave it in the bathroom. this might sound like elementary school advice, but I promise it helps to alleviate one less thing to decide on in the morning
SET YOUR ALARM: sounds obvious, but just make sure you do! Or set up repeating alarm system/routine
SPLASH COLD WATER ON YOUR FACE: yep, right away - as soon as you go into the bathroom, even before you pee! The cold water, yes, shocks you, but it helps make up your eyes, & also has so many incredible mental health benefits too! BONUS POINTS if you dunk your face in repeatedly ;-)
DRINK 8oz OF WATER: this helps rehydrate you. Think about it, you’ve just been sleeping for (hopefully?!) 6+ hours… your body is dehydrated. Not only that, you help kick start your metabolism & digestive system to get things moving. This all helps to wake your inner organs up, moreover helping you to completely wake up!
MAKE YOUR BED: Now I’m not entirely saying you need a perfectly clean room, but if you make your bed after you get dressed, then there’s a much LESS LIKELIHOOD that you will crawl back into it ;-)
GRATITUDE JOURNALING: I keep a journal in my bathroom that way it is instantly still part of my morning routine & I don’t have a way out of it. I set a timer for 5 minutes and joy down the following:
Things I’m grateful for
Positive Affirmations
Goals & Vision for the year
I could keep this list going on & on, but I hope this helps shake things up to get your day started. If I truly had a #1 take away to do from this list, it would absolutely be water on the face!
What’s your favorite morning tip ?